No Matter How Small

Loud voices echoed through the long hallway. A wail of agony heard from the front room where the congregation of residents gathered. Laughter sounded from another corner. She quickly darted across the room so as not to disturb their so-called peace. As she passed each wheel chair bound person, she smiled and simply said, "Good morning" ever so quietly.

She was on a mission. Her intention was to brighten the day of one smiley faced woman in this stuffy old nursing home. Her heart was set on bringing her joy.

God always changes our plans though, doesn't He?

As she strolled through the sea of elders, smiling, and whispering good mornings, she noticed something….almost all of them hungered for that meager interaction. Each week as she entered through the heavy steel door, one more wrinkled face would turn and notice it was her, and smile before she could offer her routine of smile and brief whisper of salutations.

She noticed them, and they desired that.

One of my favorite pieces of writing is that of a children's book. Ironically, it's not some hugely philosophical work that only a phD would understand. It is such a powerful sentence for all to comprehend.

"A person's a person, no matter how small." (Horton Hears a Who, Dr. Seuss).

This is the basis of the pro-life mindset. Every life counts, no matter who, how small or big, every human life is created by God almighty.

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